Japan Desk Bac Giang available on Zalo OA platform

Under the motto “Accompanying Japanese investors”, the Japan Desk Bac Giang group has launched the official information channel on Zalo platform at Zalo OA page to timely receive opinions and obstacles from Japanese investors.

In recent years, Bac Giang province is one of the highlights in investment climate and economic growth. The provincial competitiveness index (PCI) ranked 27th out of 63 provinces and cities in 2020, up 13 places compared to 2019. The growth rate in 2020 reached 13.2 percent, ranking top nationwide. Foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction ranked 8th with nearly 762 million USD by the end of Q3 2021, 4.6 times higher than the same period last year.

These results have been partly contributed by Japanese investors with total registered capital of about 281 million USD.

Contact details of Japan Desk Bac Giang

The Japanese projects with advanced and clean technologies have been highly evaluated, thus Bac Giang province has provided policies to create the most favourable investment climate for Japanese investors over the past few years.

However, some limitations in information access, seeking support and administrative procedures cause burdensome for Japanese enterprises in maximizing investment efficiency in the province.

Therefore, the provincial People’s Committee decided to set up an official team named Japan Desk Bac Giang under the Decision No 428/QD-UBND dated March 9, 2021. This team acts as a bridge to connect Japanese enterprises and local authorities while supporting them to promptly and completely resolve the problems incurred in implementation of the projects.

In performing its role, Japan Desk Bac Giang will launch a channel to receive and respond to opinions, update information of investment-related conferences and seminars and introduce latest investment policies and opportunities exclusively for Japanese enterprises on Zalo platform. The language used on this channel is English and (or) Vietnamese.

QR code to connect with Japan Desk Bac Giang

Dang Lam

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