LDSC carries out survey in Bac Giang

Latter Day Saint Charities (LDSC) on December 22 had a meeting with the Department of Foreign Affairs of Bac Giang province (DOFA) and carried out a field trip to Luc Ngan and Luc Nam districts. The delegation was welcomed by DOFA Director Nguyen Quang Tuan.

At the meeting, representative of LDSC discussed their plan to support Bac Giang province. After studying the list of proposals for aid promotion of Bac Giang province, LDSC paid attention to 2 proposals on construction of clean water projects in Luc Ngan High School No 4 (in Luc Ngan district) and Tu Son High School (in Luc Nam district). Besides, the organization is considering 2 more proposals of the province regarding clean water and environment sanitation to build implementation plan in coming time. LDSC expected for support from the provincial competent agencies during carrying out their projects.

DOFA’s Vice Director Nguyen Quang Tuan presents souvenir to LDSC’s representative

DOFA’s Vice Director Nguyen Quang Tuan expressed his thanks for LDSC’s attention to Bac Giang province and promised to accompany and facilitate the organization during operating their projects in the province. He hoped LDSC would have long- term plan to support the province.

LDSC takes a site visit to Tu Son High School, Luc Ngan district (Photo: Ngoc Quyen)

On the same day, LDSC took a site visit to Luc Ngan High School No 4 and Tu Son High School

Nguy Thu


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