Publishing date: 21/12/2016
Myanmar, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, with Naypyidaw as its capital city, is a sovereign state in South East Asia bordered by China (2,185 km), Laos (235 km), Thailand (1,800... View more
Publishing date: 20/12/2016
The Philippines is an archipelago that consists of 7,107 islands. It is adjacent to Taiwan Sea to the North, separated from Malaysia by Sulu and Celebes seas to the South and separated from Vietnam... View more
Publishing date: 20/12/2016
Thailand is located in South East Asia. It is adjacent to Laos and Myanmar to the north, Cambodia and Thailand gulf to the east, Andaman Sea and Myanmar to the west. View more
Publishing date: 20/12/2016
- Name of the country: the Republic of Singapore - Capital city: Singapore - National Day: 09/8/1965 - GDP: 292.74 billion USD (2015- according to - Income per capita: ranking... View more
Publishing date: 07/12/2016
composed of two separate parts in Sarawak state of Malaysia. Apart from the North bordered by the East Sea (161 kilometers of coach) and the rest three directions having borders with the East of... View more

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