Vice Chairman of Bac Giang PPC Le Anh Duong visited UNESCO for Christmas’s wishes and New Year’s Greetings

21 December, on the occasion of Christmas and New Year 2018, in Hanoi, Vice Chairman of Bac Giang People's Committee Le Anh Duong visited and worked with United Nations of Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO). He was accompanied by leader of departments: Foreign Affairs; Culture, Sports and Tourism.

 21 December, on the occasion of Christmas and New Year 2018, in Hanoi, Vice Chairman of Bac Giang People's Committee Le Anh Duong visited and worked with United Nations of Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO). He was accompanied by leader of departments: Foreign Affairs; Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong congratulated Head of UNESCO Ha Noi Office and the Organization’s representative in Viet Nam and his staffs.

Mr Duong expressed his wishes on Christmas and New Year to Mr. Michael Croft, Head of UNESCO in Viet Nam and his staffs.

At the meeting, Vice Chairman of the province introduced brief information of Bac Giang province regarding political, socio-economic situation of the province. The economic growth rate of the province is always top of the country, with GDP in 2017 reaching 13.3%, exports reaching 6.3 billion dong and foreign investment attraction at the top ten of the country. Bac Giang province has a number of heritage recognized by UNESCO as: Quan ho folk music, ca tru, wood blocks of Vinh Nghiem Pagoda.

gion>’s products are now assessed much lower tariffs — dropping from an average of 40 percent to an average of three percent — when they enter the U.S. For Vietnam’s part, Vietnam has committed to reform its trade and investment regime to provide a much more level and fair “playing field” for U.S. companies and products in Vietnam. In many cases, Vietnam’s commitments are phased in over a number of years in recognition of the transitional state of Vietnam’s economy and the significant reforms necessary to bring its regulatory regime into compliance with international norms.

Overview of the meeting

After these heritages were honored by UNESCO, the province has had programs to preserve the cultural values of humanity. For example, ca tru, folk songs are popularized and widely taught in the community. Annually, the province organizes festivals of Quan ho, ca tru, attracting a large number of people.

Regarding the woodblocks of Vinh Nghiem Pagoda, in 2017, the province has built a research project on how to preserve and exploit the value of the woodblocks. Recently, the storage and exhibition house of the wood blocks at Vinh Nghiem pagoda have been inaugurated for public use.

However, the province has difficulty in preserving woodblocks due to weather conditions. Mr. Duong expected the Chief Representative to help Bac Giang province gain experience of wood preservation from some countries such as Korea.

Soon, the province and other localities will compile dossiers requesting UNESCO for the recognization of Then singing and the scenic spot in the West of Yen Tu mountain. Therefore, it is expected to receive the attention and support from Head of UNESCO in Vietnam. Mr. Duong expected to receive Mr. Michael Croft in Bac Giang in the nearest time.

Mr. Michael Croft sincerely thanked the leaders of Bac Giang authority and people. He also gave information on the activities of UNESCO over the past years. With the motto of implementing replicable and well-functioning activities, UNESCO expects its supports to be profound and lasting. In the coming time, the organization continues to carry out a number of cooperative, educational, cultural and scientific support activities in the province; connect the research center in Korea to help Bac Giang gain more experience.

The Bang (translate)       


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