PPC Chairman receives Japanese Ambassador

13 March, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC) Nguyen Van Linh hosted a meeting with Umeda Kunio, Ambassador of Japan to Vietnam, leader of the Japan- Vietnam Friendship Association in Chukyo region, Japan and representatives of some Japanese enterprises in the province. The meeting was also attended by the related departments and agencies.

13 March, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC) Nguyen Van Linh hosted a meeting with Umeda Kunio, Ambassador of Japan to Vietnam, leader of the Japan- Vietnam Friendship Association in Chukyo region, Japan and representatives of some Japanese enterprises in the province. The meeting was also attended by the related departments and agencies. 

PPC Chairman Nguyen VanLinh presents Japanese Ambassador a painting of Vinh Nghiem pagoda

Chairman Nguyen Van Linh expressed his delight to welcome the delegation of Japan’s Embassy and the Japan- Vietnam Friendship Association in Chukyo region, Japan to Bac Giang province. He stressed, this visit would continue the fine traditional friendship between Vietnam and Japan generally, Bac Giang and Chukyo region particularly. He introduced the ambassador and other delegates about potentials, strengths and investment incentive policies of the province especially for Japanese enterprises. So far, Bac Giang has attracted 23 Japanese investors with the registered capital of US$220 million and received Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) of US$20 million.

Chairman Linh highly appreciated the importance and effectiveness of the above enterprises and financial resources in dealing with employment issue, increasing laborers’ income and dramatically improving quality of education, healthcare and traffic sectors in the province. He expected the Japanese delegation to accompany the province and carry out many practical activities so as to foster the friendship of the two sides and call for more Japanese investors in the province.

Japan- Vietnam Friendship Association in Chukyo region presents cherry-blossom to Bac Giang province

With the guiding principle “accompany investors”, the provincial leaders, local governments and related agencies are open, friendly and raise high sense of responsibility who pay special attention to investment attraction and facilitate foreign investors and Japanese investors particularly in implementing their projects.


Japanese delegation is visiting cherry-blossom trees planted at 3/2 square, Bac Giang city

At the meeting, PPC Chairman Linh stressed the cooperative and friendly relationship between Vietnam and Japan has been finely developed over the past years. He hoped the ambassador would continue supporting Bac Giang in promoting its image to attract more Japanese investors to the province. He affirmed the province is willing to facilitate Japanese partners and citizens working and investing in the province. Has added, cherry blossom trees will be in good care to bloom in Bac Giang as a symbol of the friendship between the two countries generally, Bac Giang and Chukyo region particularly.


The guests visit Vinh Nghiem pagoda

Japanese ambassador expressed his thanks to the provincial leaders for their warm welcome. He hoped to continue the close collaboration with the province to boost more practical development tie. He stressed they would promptly cooperate with the province in organizing orientation seminars for Vietnamese people who want to study, work and live in Japan.

On this occasion, Japanese ambassador and other delegates visited the cherry-blossom tree planting site at the Provincial Convention Center and Vinh Nghiem pagoda.

gin-bottom:9.0pt; margin-left:0in;text-align:justify;line-height:normal;background:white'>Chairman Linh highly appreciated the importance and effectiveness of the above enterprises and financial resources in dealing with employment issue, increasing laborers’ income and dramatically improving quality of education, healthcare and traffic sectors in the province. He expected the Japanese delegation to accompany the province and carry out many practical activities so as to foster the friendship of the two sides and call for more Japanese investors in the province.


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