Foreign NGOs support Bac Giang province to fight against Covid-19

In the face of complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic in Bac Giang province, through the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations and the People's Aid Coordination Committee (PACCOM), foreign NGOs including The Asia Injury Prevention Foundation (AIPF/US), Samaritan's Purse International Relief Service (SPIR/US), Helen Keller International (HKI/US), Operation Smile (OS/US) have donated some medical items to the province to serve the prevention of epidemics.

Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs Ngo Bien Cuong (the second from left) hands over NGOs' aid to the provincial Fatherland Front (Photo: Tran Lan)


Specifically, AIPF supports 2,500 medical masks; SPIR supports 10,000 medical masks, 300 medical protective suits and 300 bottles of antiseptic water; HKI supports 40,000 medical masks, 800 N95 masks, 800 medical protective suits, 100 bottles of antiseptic water (500ml type); OS supports 5,000 Determinant antibacterial cloth masks.

The aid of NGOs are symbolically given to the Fatherland Front of Bac Giang province to be distributed to units that need to serve the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic in Bac Giang province (Photo: Tran Lan)

All medical items donated by foreign non-governmental organizations have been given to the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee by the Department of Foreign Affairs of Bac Giang province to be distributed to units in the province in need.

The aid of organizations has practical significance in the current context of the province, contributing to the political system of Bac Giang province in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Nguy Thu (Translated by Nguyen Van)



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