Daejeon International Center, RoK visits Bac Giang to discuss voluntary activities

April 9, the delegation of Daejeon International Center (DIC), Republic of Korea (RoK) had a meeting at Bac Giang Department of Foreign Affairs (DOFA) to discuss voluntary activities in Bac Giang. The meeting was attended by representatives of the departments of Foreign Affairs, Health, Education and Training and the People’s Committee of Bac Giang city.

April 9, the delegation of Daejeon International Center (DIC), Republic of Korea (RoK) had a meeting at Bac Giang Department of Foreign Affairs (DOFA) to discuss voluntary activities in Bac Giang. The meeting was attended by representatives of the departments of Foreign Affairs, Health, Education and Training and the People’s Committee of Bac Giang city.  



A view at the meeting

At the meeting, Nguyen Quang Tuan, DOFA’s Deputy Director gave brief information of Bac Giang province, investment attraction towards Rok’s enterprises and voluntary activities of Rok’s organizations in the province over the past time.

Kim Young Ho, DIC’s representative introduced about his organization. This center was established and started operation since 2005 with the globalization mission of Daejeon city by strengthening cultural understanding between foreigners and Korean people. It is also a center for cultural exchange of foreigners and Daejeon’s citizens providing services and voluntary programs to support community activities of foreigners. To date, this center has organized numerous voluntary programs in Southeastern countries.  

Nguyen Quang Tuan, Deputy Director of Bac Giang Department of Foreign Affairs presents gift to Kim Young Ho

The delegation expressed their hope to organize voluntary programs in Bac Giang city in healthcare and education sectors in June. DIC will send doctors from RoK to examine and cure dental problems for about 50 patients and organize painting activities for nearly 600 primary students.

After discussion, representative of the Department of Health requested that the medical examination and treatment by the voluntary delegation must obey the regulations on import of medical equipment and practicing certificate as required by Vietnam’s Ministry of Health. In addition, the delegation talked to representative of the Department of Education and Training about details and organizing methods of their voluntary activities for primary students in Bac Giang city. 

The delegation pose for a photo

At the end of the meeting, DIC’s delegation requested DOFA to connect, guide and support them in dealing with necessary procedures before implementing their voluntary activities in Bac Giang.

On the same day, the delegation visited the tentative sites for their voluntary program at Bac Giang provincial General Hospital.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tran Lan

                                                                                                                                                         Ngọc Quyên (dịch)

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