Bac Giang establishes support teams for export of lychee at border gates

Bac Giang province is expected to harvest about 180,000 tons of fresh lychee in 2021crop. Facing complicated developments of Covid 19 pandemic, the provincial Department of Industry and Trade established 2 teams to support export of lychee at the border gates in Lao Cai and Lang Son provinces.

Illustrative photo

Accordingly, team 1 is assigned to support the export of lychee at the border gate in Lang Son province including Nguyen Van Tho, Vice Director of the Center for Industrial Encouragement and Trade Promotion (CIETP) as the team leader and Nguyen Van Tinh, staff of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DOFA), as a member.

Team 2 supports the export of lychee at the border gate in Lao Cai province including Pham Quoc Tuan, CIETP Vice Director as the team leader and Tran Van Huan, DOFA expert as a member.

The support teams are available at the border gates to grasp the situations, handle arising obstacles and problems during transporting lychee through the border gates and make quick report to the province. Besides, they have to take initiative in recommending solutions and plans for dealing with difficulties.

These teams shall announce and guide firms and traders about regulations and conditions regarding individuals, vehicles and goods through border gates in Lao Cai and Lang Son provinces.

Bac Giang lychee is a well-known product which has been exported to many countries including Europe, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Republic of Korea and China. This year, the province is expected to export about 85,000 tons of lychee to China. In case of the pandemic complicated developments, 45,000 tons of lychee will be exported to this traditional market.

According to Bac Giang Department of Industry and Trade, the export of lychee goes smoothly through the border gates which is prioritized to proceed in green lanes.

Ngoc Quyen(dịch)


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